Thursday, December 28, 2006

Deskription Update

The Desk Meme! As seen around the globe. Jim started it (well not really, but that's the first place I saw it so he gets the credit). Darko, Whisky Prajer, Cowtown Pattie followed suit. And now, here is my desk in its entirety (well, almost). This is it, the nerve center, where it all happens, where it's at.

So. Yeah. Um. Well. I guess it's mostly self-explanatory.

I wish I could put those little tag labels on it like Mis_Nomer and Sgazzetti and Stephen did. They're so smart. I am like a root vegetable when it comes to performing such technological feats. But here's a quick manual rundown:

Far left: remnants of anniversary bouquet from over a week ago (it's pared down now, but still beautiful and fragrant)

Far right: Green M&M candy jar, made for me by my oldest step-daughter

Surrounding the perimeter: Lots of client files (back credenza represents work on hold for various and sundry reasons; foreground represents work in process, or "detritus"); I tried to make sure you can't read any of the client names but don't zoom in just in case (that's really the only clean-up I did for the photo, Darko ;-)

Center (extremely boring miscellany seen in offices around the world): hole punch (absent cover), family photos, pens, pencils, hippo letter opener souvenir from Tanzania, holiday cards, Dell laptop, coveted Herman Miller Aeron Chair (stolen from one of my departed colleagues), priceless Fire Ant Gazette coaster supporting my favorite beverage (this is not boring), orange (for when I run out of the World's Best Salt Water Taffy), turbo charged 10-key calculator, upright file holder holding odds and ends, fancy-schmancy Sharper Image give-away CD player

View: parking lot and other office buildings (stunning)

What you don't see: More files continuing on around the back credenza

There, I did it, Jim. ;-)

Now, I'd like to see these people's desks:




Darko's office desk



At 3:11 AM, December 29, 2006, Blogger Rae said...

Looks really tidy...Is it normally so tidy hehe?

At 6:17 AM, December 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That is the neatest, most organized desk I've ever seen in my life.

At 8:23 AM, December 29, 2006, Blogger beth said...

Umm...At work or at home? Probably at home, since the one at work has exactly my computer and a photo of Tim on it. I'll see what I can do. :)

May I just say that the neat organized stacks are very pleasing to the eye. :)

At 10:33 AM, December 29, 2006, Blogger DarkoV said...

(taking 4 steps back)
Jus' wonderin'. I ask our company's auditors the same question. If you have a pc w/ Excel and a printer attached (if necessary), why have a caluclator as well? I dumped my desktop space chewing TI eons ago so that I can have 5 more glasses of pens soldiering about (insisting that I use them!) to write that scathing note to the subordinates.
Is the presens of a calculator soothing to your clients as they plop themselves in your office, looking for definity in the indefinite world around them? Or, so you, like, have the calculator hollowed out and actually have a flask of some good stuff in there that you repair yourself to after an especially challenging client has finally left your office?

Inquisitive minds, you know....

At 10:36 AM, December 29, 2006, Blogger DarkoV said...

Oh, yeah.
Just in case you're thinking of asking, the day when I and Sadaam are hung together will come before I offer any pix of my office desk.
Speaking of which....I thought I'd left it here last night? Where could it be.....Hmmmmm..

At 2:02 PM, December 29, 2006, Blogger Gwynne said...

Okay, I warned you guys I'm a "little" bit of a control freak. Clutter drives me insane. That's my excuse anyway. 8-}

Beth, whichever one you prefer. I don't use my desk at home (it's in the basement under some stuff) so I had no choice. The home office is basically the dining table or a chair in the living room (I need one of Jim's portable desks).

Darko, the 10-key is a bit like trying to wean a baby off her pacifier. ;-) I recently traded up to one that was built in the 21st century, so at least it no longer looks like a dinosaur. But I am always harping on people to use Excel instead of calculator tapes since it is more flexible (and efficient) in the long run. And no need to hollow out the neighbor has a fully stocked bar in his office.

Now I've added your office desk to the can't tease us like that.

At 3:53 PM, December 29, 2006, Blogger DarkoV said...

Sorry to disappoint you, Gwynne. There are so many TOP SECRET folders on my desk (underneath the protective layering of paper, dust, books, napkins, squashed donuts, flys and files) that I'd be dismissed instantaneously if a photo of such importance were ever distributed on the Internet.

So, imagination will have to do.

At 6:27 PM, December 29, 2006, Blogger Gwynne said...

Oh, all right. *hrmph* How about just a photo of the squashed donuts then? ;-)

At 3:07 PM, December 30, 2006, Blogger Jim Jannotti said...

Dang. Darkov's got me interested now. Top secret desk!

At 7:49 AM, December 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neat post. The neat tags can be done in Flickr, but not Blogger. You sign up for Flickr, log in, upload your pictures, then you can add notes to them. it out! My Flickr photos are at

At 10:43 PM, January 01, 2007, Blogger mis_nomer said...

Your desk is so inspiring! I'm gonna start the new year with a desk like yours. :) Except I don't think I'll ever be able to get my piles of paper to look like that..


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