Thursday, January 22, 2009

To Blog, or Not, That is the ?


So I have this blog, see. And I feel like I should post stuff on it. But I've nothing to say. Kind of like a Pooh moment. Or many Pooh moments. And then I try to post and my wireless internet connection is all like, "now you see me, now you don't." So I get frustrated and mad at myself for wasting precious time trying to post only to accomplish nothing. And I can't blog (or access blogs) at work anymore because of the severe restrictions Big Brother has placed on our internet access. And I have friends and family with whom I haven't kept in touch and I think, if I would at least update the blog, that would be better than no communication at all even though it doesn't take the place of a private email, or letter, or (gasp) a phone call.

The little one should provide plenty to blog about...if nothing else, his cuteness and sheer size is blog worthy. The boy is now a whopping 21 pounds!! A ham! We finally convinced the doctors that we needed to switch formula because we fear this might be hindering his development in other areas, such as his ability to do basically anything but eat. He's finally successfully rolled over on his own and much enjoys belly time, but he still can't sit up on his own even though he's seven months old (or 4 1/2 if you consider he was 10 weeks early). Actually, he seems to want to skip sitting and crawling altogether and move straight ahead to walking. When I try doing sit-ups with him, he stiffens up like a board and pushes himself upright into the standing position and lets out a big grin. Every time. Here he is in his snow suit.

My, what big feet you have!

I could also blog about the fact that I just colored my hair. This is only blog-worthy if you know that I am not one to change my hair color. Ever. I have been a dirty golden blonde all my life, sometimes more golden than others, but never any other color, until my family convinced me that I would look better as a brunette. Not being one to worry much about my hair, I let my daughter (the future beautician in the family) pick my hair color. The box said "light golden brown" which sounded good. The results are much more like "medium espresso with a hint of red dye #5." A drastic change, yes, but I kind of like it. So far, the reactions from people have been positive. Now though, I realize this means some kind of upkeep or transition plan is needed if I ever hope to go back to my natural color (and I don't mean gray). There are no pictures to document this major event in my life.

My transition to stay-at-home-grandma is slowly progressing. I am supposed to be on contract for 20-30 hours a week with my old employer (my former "employer" is now my "client"), working mostly at home. So far, those hours have been mostly in the office. This transition takes time and patience and discipline but is finally on the move. I think the secret will be in not being at the office. I've had a number of clients ask me to take on their work personally, but I'm trying to say "no" as much as possible, preferring instead to contract for a few accountants (in addition to my former employer), helping in their "back office" so to speak. I want to keep my client responsibilities to a minimum for now while I work on the transition. If ever I decide to start up my own practice, I want to do that in the Pacific Northwest, if and when we ever get there. I need to work on getting my home office fully functional, both in terms of hardware and software. Now that the spare bedroom has become a nursery, I may have to move to the basement which is a fate almost worse than death.

Oh, yeah, the Inauguration (did I spell that right?)! I didn't watch it because we (my daughter and I) were busy at the doctor's office with Baby Sparky, getting his "contact dermatitis" confirmed (hoping to rule out all manner of other obnoxious sources of rashes that won't go away). Now, two days and a big jar full of steroid filled Aquaphor later, his skin is good as a baby's again. And there is much rejoicing because now he can sleep! But seriously, I must admit to much more optimism about Obama's presidency than I had expected. It is good to see the American people energized and enthused. It is good to see Obama acting seriously and quickly to address some of the bigger concerns. It was good to hear him address the fact that we, as individuals, are responsible for our own cure here in America (i.e. that it's not just a government problem). And it was nice to see such a beautiful all-American family exemplifying family values on this important day. I pray for the Obamas and for America.

And one more thing...I wanted to share the results of my latest framing experience...remember the Pig Farm? Here it is in framed form, shadow boxed on a "grappa" (burgundy) colored mat, hanging on our wall that was seemingly painted to support this particular painting...I was very pleased!):

(click to enlarge)

Hanging next to the Pig Farm are two paintings done by my mother who is an outstanding artist in her own right. Below is the other framing project, a painting my mom gave us for Christmas, of San Simeon Cove (near Hearst Castle on the Central Coast of CA where she lives and one of our favorite places in all of America)...beautiful, no?

(click to enlarge)

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At 7:28 AM, January 23, 2009, Blogger Sisiggy said...

I think, as parents, we tend to get hung up on those little milestones, especially when they're babies. You get into a habit of "wishing their babyhood away" over something that the odds are, can't be changed or won't make a difference. (Of course, I say this with hindsight being 20/20...)

I really like that wall color. It's the type of wall color that, having seen it on your blog, I decide to use it and then it ends up looking like Pepto Bismol on my wall.

At 9:28 AM, January 23, 2009, Blogger Gwynne said...

Sisiggy...we definitely don't want to push growing up. If possible, we would keep the babyhood forever. :-) And you're right, we can probably expect that he will sit up least until he hits the teen years and again starts spending most of his time in the prone position. ;-)

The wall color was hard to's a good thing my husband is a professional painter and didn't mind changing it a few times until I got it to my liking...I call it Terra Cotta. Along the way, I tried painting the hallway next to it a form of lavender...the result made me sick to my stomach and I needed Pepto Bismol.

At 4:41 PM, January 23, 2009, Blogger Lynellen said...

I wonder if twitter would help you any... would 140 character updates of one sentence help you communicate and also not feel guilty?

At 7:10 PM, January 23, 2009, Blogger Gwynne said...

For whatever reason, I have not embraced Twitter, or Facebook. At all. Maybe if I could update from my phone, that would make Twitter more interesting, but I've no interest in paying yet more money for my cell phone service.

At 7:53 PM, January 23, 2009, Blogger beth said...

He's HUGE. I think he ways more than my 1 year old. Of course, he's underweight so... :) I'm so glad he's doing well - and he'll do all those things in his own time...right til his teens, you're right. :)

I really like that wall color as well. I painted my main floor powder room eggplant and it's probably my favorite room in the house color-wise. I just can't get away with spending all day in there. :)

At 6:10 AM, January 24, 2009, Blogger Jen said...

Very cute kid there. Milestones are hard to pin down, especially in a preemie. Sounds like he's growing well enough - those things will come when he's ready.


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