All Good Dogs Go to Heaven, Right?
Smokey (April, 1994 - October 22, 2008)
Such a sad day yesterday. It was a decision we hoped we would never have to make, but it seemed that life was being prolonged beyond what was tolerable, if not for Smokey who was stoic to the end, certainly for us. It was so sad to watch him lose his dignity. He could no longer walk, see, or hear. But even to the end, he did his best to control his bowels until he just couldn't anymore. And then he lost his will to eat. He was always such a good boy. We did our best to make sure he knew that he was not a burden.

Smokey was much loved by everyone who met him, but nobody could have loved him more than his best friend, my husband. Smokey went everywhere with his best friend. To work. To church. To the East Coast. To the West Coast. And all points in between. He loved the ocean and chasing birds on the beach. He also loved playing in the snow.

We hoped one day that he might go sailing with us. But more than anything, he loved just being with his best friend. He watched over him while he worked and somehow, I always believed that if my husband was injured on the job, Smokey would have known to get help.

He died peacefully in my husband's lap, on the seat of the work truck where they spent many hours together, under the large oak trees in a beautiful pet cemetery. We will spread his ashes somewhere on the Pacific Ocean.

I can't believe he's gone. My husband has been through a lot in life, but this was absolutely the hardest thing he has ever had to do. A part of him died with Smokey yesterday.
Good-bye, my friend. You will be missed more than you could ever know. Thank you for giving us so many great years. You amazed us with your intelligence and your temperament, your unconditional love and undying loyalty. We will never know another dog like you and you taught us so much.
Rest in Peace, Smokey. We'll meet you and Cocoa at the Rainbow Bridge.
Labels: In Memorium, The Animals
Where Am I?
In California, to tour artists' open studios with my mom...among other things...
A Lovely Place to Paint (Cambria, CA)
"The Pig Farm on Hwy 46" (by Jeanette Wolfe)
(as soon as the artist told me that the pigs were licking her palette while she painted, I had to have this painting!)
The Jade Festival, Big Sur, CA
(See that head? I watched it sell for $150,000!!!)
An Exquisite Carving!
The View from the Festival (What a View!)
The 2008 Weiner Dog Races! (Atascadero, CA)
2007 National Champion (Sammy Davis)
Sammy Davis, in Lane 3
(Sammy won by at least 10 weiner dog links!)
So, I decided to leave for awhile. A few days actually. Right before a big deadline. Think they'll get the hint I'm ready to "retire"? Heh. As I was packing, it struck me that it would be really great if I could take Sparky with me! So I asked his mother and she said, "Sure! Take him!" So I packed him up...but then thought better of it. Because this was going to be a whirlwind (3 days) trip and as much as I wanted to show him off to my mom (his GREAT! grandmother) and his other grandmother, and great-grandmother and aunty (my other daughter. who is attending college in Monterey), I decided it would just be a bit too much. I mean, he might not like being in the suitcase for that long, you know? He's getting bigger! Over 12 pounds now. And almost as big as my suitcase, see...
Stripes with Plaids? Sure, why not?
I am home now. It was a wonderful 3-day weekend with my mom and daughter. Full of fun and exploration and lots of good food and music and conversation, a much needed respite. But I missed my grandson and was so happy to come home to him tonight...he's grown even more in the days I was away.
Labels: Baby Spartacus, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Travel
Who Am I?
Your result for The Classic Dames Test...
Katharine Hepburn
You scored 12% grit, 29% wit, 62% flair, and 10% class!

You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.
Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Take The Classic Dames Test at HelloQuizzy
62% flair means I have "more than 97% of my peers." Wow, that's a lot of flair! More explanation points!!! Heh. If there is one thing I do not have, it is flair. Seriously. But I would love to be more like Katharine Hepburn. The first role that comes to mind is Ethel, in On Golden Pond. Yep, I think this fits. :-)
via Beth, who also walks in Katharine Hepburn's shoes.
Labels: Quizzes and Memes