Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm Not Dead Yet

For those who have expressed concern (and those who are concerned but haven't expressed it...which is most of the world population, certainly /*end sarcasm), I'm not dead yet. Actually, I haven't even faced my "accuser" yet, so the punishment remains unknown at this juncture, which is harder than actually knowing, I think. I think. Maybe. Oy!

Instead (and I know this is going to sound positively incongruous), I'm off to San Diego for a 4 day romp in the sun, staying at the world famous Hotel del Coronado. This all sounds very fun and everything until you understand that I'm going alone (i.e. without my husband) and I will be surrounded by all of my partners (and their spouses, mine just can't get away), for our annual "retreat." Our retreat is usually conducted at someone's home here in town, but this year we are celebrating a year of good conduct (I know, I KNOW! *hanging head in shame*) by going off someplace more exotic. How can I possibly enjoy this, without my husband, and with all of my partners who will want to talk about business and stuff (and me, wondering if I'll even have a job when I get back)? How?!?



At 9:55 PM, June 13, 2007, Blogger Rae said...

I want to say something wonderfully profound and helpful but my brain is so addled that I can't right now... So know you'll be in my mind.

At 11:45 AM, June 14, 2007, Blogger Eric Siegmund said...


Easy. With the same grace and faith that you've handled everything else that's come your way over the years, and with the knowledge that you've already secured what's truly important.

Praying for you...

At 12:50 PM, June 14, 2007, Blogger beth said...

What Eric said.


At 1:27 PM, June 14, 2007, Blogger Gwynne said...

Thanks, all. I just checked into my room and the sweet justice of this is that I have a lovely view of the parking lot, in an old ("but newly rennovated", that must be why there is plastic and brown masking paper and tape all over the floors then?) auxillary building of the Hotel Del Coronado. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. The grounds are lovely and the sun is shining and I plan to head down to the marina to scout out a few sailboats for my husband here in just a minute. Just sayin the accomodations made me grin a little. ;-)

At 2:53 PM, June 14, 2007, Blogger Eric Siegmund said...

Hey, at least you got floors. Why, I can remember when I was a corporate drone, we didn't get floors when we traveled. And usually only three walls. And don't get me started about the rental mules.

As long as there are no chalk outlines on the floor, you're good to go! ;-)

At 7:53 PM, June 14, 2007, Blogger beth said...

Definitely avoid the chalk outlines, they smudge and you're in all kinds of hot water with the coppers. If you do happen across the chalk ones, get yourself some masking tape and make them a little more permanent. You'll thank yourself later.


At 11:04 AM, June 15, 2007, Blogger DarkoV said...

Well, Gwynne, at least you're approaching this whole thing with a good sense of humor. Who says an accountant's life is boring!?!?

There's always the Russian "Well, that's life! approach to get you through your days. I would be careful about drinking proffered drinks, especially ones with umbrellas. Those drinks are just a touch too shady. I'd go for the clear drinks, minimally ice-cubed.

At 4:56 PM, June 15, 2007, Blogger Gwynne said...

Eric, that sounds more like my idea of a "retreat." ;-)

Beth, will duct tape work? I never leave home without it.

Darko, I've adopted the "I'm only human" approach. But I'm hoping the client will adopt the "well, that's life" approach. And no umbrella drinks here. ;-)


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