Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Guns?!

This was the new sign on the door today when I arrived at the office. Okay, not really. It was really more like this. Had they consulted me, it would have looked more like this. But as usual, they did not ask my opinion.

Regardless, it's hard to imagine that a sign was really necessary. I mean, it's an accounting office. C'mon. We're a peaceful people.

We also got this email announcement to further explain (and there was laughter throughout cubicledom):

"A law was passed in Kansas on July 1, 2006 that allows citizens to carry concealed weapons. The issuance of permits to carry weapons begins in January 2007.

Please be advised that XYZ Co. prohibits the carrying of concealed weapons while on XYZ Co. property and while engaged in employment duties. We ask for your cooperation in preserving the values of XYZ Co. to provide a safe and professional work environment. Please review the pertinent XYZ Co. polices on Workplace Violence and Unacceptable Activities."

I think what struck the staff as so funny (literally, you could hear folks laughing throughout the office as soon as they opened this email) is the fact that we've only just begun tax season. Are they really worried we're going to go ballistic in January? Not likely. April? Load up the bazookas.

Well, that, and...we have a policy on "workplace violence and unacceptable activities?" Does anyone really need to look in the employee handbook to find out if a company tolerates workplace violence and unacceptable activities or not? If someone is inclined to commit such acts, are they really the sort who is likely to consult the employee handbook first? This is why I'm not in the Human Resources department.



At 7:07 AM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like sign number three. Very much. Would like to go around posting those over the "no guns allowed" signs. Ohio has the same thing going on since they passed concealed carry a couple of years ago.
'Cause criminals they *always* obey signs. ;-)

At 8:15 AM, January 25, 2007, Blogger beth said...

I also like the 3rd sign best. :) I did chuckle though because when I was employed as a CHURCH SECRETARY I had to sign a big long form indicating that I would not bring my weapon onto church premises during business hours (it said nothing about after business hours, but I let that one slide). Yeah, don't go near the secretary today, she's packin'.

At 8:44 AM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I object to that policy--I should be able to have a gun rack in my cubicle if I want. :D

At 9:14 AM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea really...hey, i want to trip that mean guy i wonder what page to look on in regards to tripping of other employee's

At 10:18 PM, January 25, 2007, Blogger Gwynne said...

'Cause criminals they *always* obey signs.

That's right. We should all post No Burglars signs on our front doors...much cheaper than security systems. ;-)

I should be able to have a gun rack in my cubicle if I want.

Heh. That's something I imagine Dwight Shrute might do (if only he had a real cubicle). ;-)

Eric, you've got a very generous boss. ;-)

At 11:42 PM, January 25, 2007, Blogger Jenn said...

Gee, I always get to bring my AK to the grocery, why not the accountant?

At 11:10 AM, January 28, 2007, Blogger Foo said...

No offense, but it seems to me that if I were an accountant during tax season, I can't think of any time I'd rather be packing a concealed handgun.


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