It Tastes Like Play-doh
I'm eating left over salad at the office and it's filled with all sorts of greens, berries and cheeses. It's very good until I get a bite full of a certain "green" that tastes exactly like Play-doh. And yes, I do know that that tastes like. I was a member of the paste-eaters club in grade school. We weren't above devouring a bite or two of Play-doh if that was also available. But what could this beeee?!Labels: Food and recipes
I have no idea what that could be, but then I don't know what Play-doh tastes like either! LOL! I have never heard of a paste eaters club!
...leftover from when?
Though I never actually ate the Playdoh, you can kind of get a sense of what it tastes like by what it smells like. And I suppose some of the "cheeses" might be Playdoh-esque...when they turn. (Boy, you're just dicing with death this week, aren't you?)
is - it- old - peas?
All I know is that my boss made me some play doh! hehe.
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