Friday, September 22, 2006

The Annual Independence Confirmation

Enough to drive a person to drink...

Question #54 in a long, long series of questions designed to make sure we're not committing any federal crimes in the category of "Independence":

"If you, had a financial interest in a non-client that had a financial interest in a client with respect to which you are a covered member, did your financial interest in the non-client impair your independence with respect to the client?"

Isn't the population of "non-clients" pretty much everything that is not a client? Yes.

Next question:

"If you had a financial interest in a non-client partnership that had a financial interest in a client with respect to which you are a covered member, did your financial interest in the non-client impair your independence with respect to the client?"

Is this not essentially the same question (only without the erroneous comma)? *sigh*

What about non-client corporations? Non-client individuals? Non-client non-clients? I think they're just trying to break us down. Make us give conflicting answers out of sheer boredom and repetition. Little did they know that some of us would take a break to blog about it. ;-)

As you were...while I go finish this stupid test.


At 9:09 PM, September 22, 2006, Blogger Rae said...

Prime example of why I could never do what you do...I'll stick to teaching I think!

At 9:26 AM, September 23, 2006, Blogger beth said...

Poor Gwynne :(

I didn't know the lawyers were out to get the accountants...sure sounds like it though!

At 11:18 AM, September 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, that is giving me a headache. i don't know how you survive this stuff

At 3:13 PM, September 23, 2006, Blogger Jenn said...

what's scary is that I completely understood the questions.

At 9:24 PM, September 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need more commas in that kind of language. The one you pointed out isn't helpful, but I could use a few more to tell me where to pause in the thought...


In my little dream world, things like this could be reduced to "Have you been cheating? Please be honest, now."

At 12:12 PM, September 24, 2006, Blogger LZ Blogger said...

Ah.. the law... who says it not SIMPLE? (lol) ~ jb///

At 2:11 PM, September 24, 2006, Blogger Gwynne said...

Rach, teaching is a much more worthy profession anyway...the world needs more good teachers!

Beth, I think this test was written by wanna-be lawyers or something, but the lawyers are out to get us all! ;-)

Susie, Still, I think I'd rather deal with this nonsense than a Barbie pink clad "attorney" in a family law court...I don't know how you survive that. ;-)

Emma, I should have hired you to complete the online test for me. ;-)

Brian, I agree completely...if only people would be honest.

JB, the law could be a lot simpler than the lawyers make it, that's for sure!


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